It touched
Glad I am that no longer do I host Google Ads on this blog. On one forwarded email (a joke at that!), Google showed this ad:
It is with great pleasure that I announce that I have eventually found her! Had spent many a nights wondering how would I want her to be, where she was, when would I find her, who she was. Some time back I used to think I knew the answer to all these questions. But at some point I lost interest. Yes - call me an asshole - I just lost interest. I would not say I missed her, but I missed the emotion her thought evoked in me.
Admittedly I am not too bright when it comes to politics/power struggles, but do find it amusing (for lack of a better word) when I see people manipulating scenarios or people for power.
So I saw Das Experiment tonight. A makeshift prison is created in a research lab and 20 guys are hired for the roles of prisoners and guards in this 2 week study of psychology of prison life. The movie is about how these normal people started playing their roles to perfection and how this experiment went haywire. I thought it was a pretty interesting movie. The acting was good, it was fast paced, music was really good and I was at the edge of my seat most of the time, miserably failing at second-guessing the script. The concept was novel, although (I felt) very contrived.
Action Item Man